Our Mission...

Imagine a world where all truckers stood together to unite against a volatile freight market created by greedy brokers and middlemen. We believe there is something wrong when the truckers who front all of the costs, do all of the work, and assume the majority of the liability are paid last and... the least.

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Simply put, it's a platform designed to help small fleets and owner operators manage their trucking companies and understand their costs.

How Do I Get Started?

Click here to create your FREE account.

Input Your Company Information

Add your company's expenses through a simple set up process. We need this information to calculate your cost per mile and provide detailed analytics about your company.

Input Your Load Data

We have made it easy to input your load data, our site has been optimized for mobile, so you can input your data whether you are in the office, or in the truck.

  • ‌A one page form assures you can build a load in less than a minute or two.
  • Generate invoices for your customers and brokers.
  • Dispatch your driver. Send load details via text or email.
  • ‌Store all of your load documents.

Build Lanes To See If They Are Profitable

Never run another load without knowing if you will turn a profit... or not. Use our one-of-a-kind lane building tool to see if a lane is profitable before you spend a dime on fuel. Run as many lane options as you can to find the most profitable option for your company!

Review Your In-Depth Analytics

See and interact with your company a whole new way. We are continually updating and adding to our reports, you will never get bored.

There is more, we would love to share it with you.

Let us know if you would like to learn more, schedule a demo, or start your free trial. Please complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly.